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Encouraging your student to utilize Office of Career Services services, explore career interests/options, gain experience through employment or internship opportunities, develop a network, or begin the job search will help them build the foundation to their professional future. Check out the Office of Career Services Handbook to learn about services, programs and resources available to students and alumni, including career planning, career management system, graduate/professional school, interviewing, job/internship search, networking, recruiting program, resume and cover letters.

Services, Programs & Resources

The Office of Career Services offers a variety of services, programs, and resources to students and alumni from first year student through graduation, and beyond.

Career Exploration and Choice of Major
The Office of Career Services provides advising and resources to students who have not declared a major, who are considering changing their major, and those who need more information about career options related to their major. Services include 1:1 appointments and walk-ins, career planning, career-related programs, career resources (including a career resource room, eBooks and online resources) and networking resources, including the Career Advisory Network (C.A.N.) and LinkedIn Group and Professional Connections.

Career-Related Experience During College and Post-Graduation Employment
Students are encouraged to gain experience related to their career goals and interests. We provide assistance to students seeking part-time and full-time positions, summer jobs, paid and unpaid internships, and volunteer opportunities. HireStRose, our online system provides access to job and internship listings for students and alumni both locally and nationally. In addition to HireStRose we also provide students with other services to assist in obtaining experience and employment. Students can meet with our staff during walk-in hours and appointments to develop their resume and job search correspondence. Through our recruiting program, students and alumni can connect with employers through information tables/sessions, resume collections, and on-campus interviews. The Office of Career Services also utilizes social media to help connect students and alumni with networking opportunities and career-related information. Office of Career Services mock interviews allow students and alumni to practice interviewing skills with staff members and employers. Each spring graduating education students participate in Education Expo, a job and networking event, which connects students and alumni with education-related employers.

  • Direct your student to the Office of Career Services for guidance on selecting and changing their major, to help them create the most effective resume and cover letters, to discover opportunities available in specific industries or fields, or to conduct and internship, job or graduate/professional school search.
  • Support your student as they explore their options; take an active role and connect them to our resources and services.
  • Advise your student to visit聽our website, stop into the office in Saint Joseph Hall, and login to HireStRose, our career management system聽to access job/internship opportunities, stay up-to-date on programming, events and recruiting, plus other valuable resources.
  • Recommend participation in experiential opportunities, including internships and part-time employment to help your student build skills for the future.
  • Become a member of the Career Advisory Network (C.A.N.) to assist 69堂精品 students and alumni in their career exploration and job/internship search.
  • Encourage your employer to make job and internship opportunities available to our students and alumni.
  • Promote responsible networking in person and online through LinkedIn and the Career Advisory Network (C.A.N.) to help your student connect with other professionals in career fields and/or geographic locations that are of interest to them.

Office of Career Services

Location: St. Joseph Hall, 3rd Floor
Mailing Address: 432 Western Avenue Albany, NY 12203