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The Office of Spiritual Life is located in the Interfaith Sanctuary, a safe place for people of all beliefs to feel welcome and at home. At 69堂精品, our roots have taught us that spirituality鈥攊n prayer and meditation, in personal development, in compassion, in acts of service and justice鈥攅nriches the college experience beyond measure. For that reason, the Office of Spiritual Life provides a wealth of programs, all designed to help you develop as a whole person, grow spiritually, foster your leadership potential, and see and serve the needs of others. We offer opportunities for:

  • Praying, meditating and practicing yoga
  • Exploring faith and the 鈥渂ig questions鈥
  • Participating in聽 and pursuing social justice
  • Hearing wisdom from distinguished scholars in interfaith lectures
  • Serving others on service trips to Washington DC, New Orleans, San Francisco and Guatemala
  • Engaging in retreats, attending Mass, and other social and faith based activities
  • Get involved in groups and activities related to spirituality and well-being鈥攕ee the list of options below

Opportunities at the Interfaith Sanctuary and the Office of Spiritual Life

The Interfaith Sanctuary is a welcoming, safe space with a large central room, prayer chapels and an interior garden. Students gather downstairs at the Sanctuary for club meetings, a quiet study space, lunch, or just to meet some new friends. Student groups that meet at the Sanctuary include:

  • Catholic Student Organization
  • Muslim Student Organization
  • Jewish Student Organization
  • Brothers and Sisters in Christ鈥擝ASIC
  • Better Together Multi-Belief Group
  • His Vocal Image Gospel Choir
  • The Happiness Support Project
  • Yoga
  • Art Break
  • What else would you like to see?

Download Our Guide to Worshipping in the Capital Region

See Activities and Programs page for more information.