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Long-Term Service Opportunities

There are many faith-based and non-faith based organizations that provide life-changing opportunities to those willing to take a gap year and offer their time and energy to the good work being done all around our nation and around the world. The listings below are just a very small sampling of what is possible. If a year of service sounds interesting to you, contact Joan Horgan at: horganj@mail.strose.edu and she can connect you with even more resources to explore as you give shape to your purpose in this world.

1201 New York Ave. NW
Washington, D.C. 20525
Phone: 1-800-942-2677

AmeriCorps offers opportunities for individuals to spend ten months or one year working in the United States in service to others. AmeriCorps VISTA is a one-year, full-time placement with an agency that works to bring individuals and communities out of poverty. Americorps NCCC is a ten-month full-time residential placement open to 18 to 24-year-olds. Members serve in 10-15 person teams concentrating on public safety, public health, and disaster relief projects. AmeriCorps programs offer educational rewards, health insurance, and a stipend to volunteers in their full-time programs. Part-time and short-term opportunities are available through many local agencies working in conjunction with AmeriCorps State & National Program. For more information, visit:聽

Jesuit Volunteer Corps
P.O. Box 3756
Washington, DC 20007

The Jesuit Volunteer Corps offers men and women an opportunity to work full-time for justice and peace. Jesuit Volunteers work throughout the U.S. by serving the poor directly and by working for structural change. Volunteers also accompany people of great need in several other countries (Chile, Micronesia, Nicaragua, Peru, Tanzania, South Africa), assisting in human development primarily through education. Volunteers will live a simple lifestyle in community with other volunteers and seek to develop spiritually. Those seeking to volunteer in the U.S. make a commitment of one year and those pursuing international placements commit for two years. For more information visit聽

JDC Jewish Volunteer Corps
Email: volunteer@jdc.org

The JDC Jewish Service Corps (JSC) is a unique one-year volunteer opportunity for active, enthusiastic, knowledgeable Jews to serve, and take part in the life of a Jewish community overseas. Volunteers should have a strong Jewish background and a passion for transmitting it to others. We are looking for college graduates who are adventurous, self-confident and energetic, gentle change agents, open-minded individuals looking for personal challenges and growth. For more information, visit:聽

Lasallian Volunteers
Hecker Center, Suite 300
3025 Fourth Street, NE
Washington, DC 20017
Phone: (202) 529-0047

Offers programs concentrating on education, adventure-based recreation, social work, campus ministry/ service projects, public relations, coaching, and work with the homeless shelters/ soup kitchens. Lasallian Volunteers need people with the ability to commit 1-3 years to serve in the program. Volunteers receive room/board, a small stipend, medical insurance, college loan deferment or forbearance, AMERICORPS education rewards, and spiritual growth. For more information, visit:聽

21 Varick Ave. Suite 1025
New York, NY 10026
Email: nyinfo@peacecorps.gov

The PeaceCorps is a challenging opportunity which offers Americans of all backgrounds the opportunity to serve throughout the world addressing the issues of poverty. Many support and employment services are available to volunteers after their service term is up. Most people serve for two years and develop easily transferable work skills. Room and board will be provided commensurate with those living in the areas served. A stipend is provided, as are medical and dental services. For more information, visit:聽

Saint Joseph Worker
385 Watervliet-Shaker Rd.
Latham, NY 12110
Phone: (518) 393-0528
Email: sjworker@cjsalbany.org

This program is affiliated with the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet and takes place here in the Capital Region. It invites graduating students to commit to a year of service exploring justice, leadership for social change, spirituality, intentional community & simplicity. There will be opportunities to work with diverse communities addressing the needs of the poor and marginalized in various ministries. Participants will also get to take advantage of being mentored into leadership for social change and spiritual transformation. For more information, visit:聽

So Others Might Eat (SOME)
71 O Street NW, Washington, D.C. 20001-1290
Phone: (202) 797-8806 ext.1018
Email: ddixon@some.org

Year-long service opportunities are available with this organization which provides services to the poor, the homeless, and frail elderly individuals in our nation鈥檚 capital. Varied placements include accounting and clerical positions, direct service, ministry, maintenance, health-care, and counseling. Room and board are provided in a community setting, along with health insurance, a stipend, and transportation to and from the worksite. Short-term opportunities are available through their summer program. For more information, visit: 聽

United Methodist Church 鈥揋lobal Ministries
212 870-3660 Two-Year Service programs
212 870-3660 Summer Interns
212 870-3825 Global Justice Volunteers

The General Board of Global Ministries of the United Methodist Church resources and links young people as they live out mission in their communities around the world. Through mission opportunities for young adults, advocacy, training, and leadership development, they work to transform individuals, communities and systems that lack health, wholeness, spiritual well-being and fullness of life in Christ. For more information, visit: .


Vincentian Service Corps
25 San Fernando Way, Suite B
Daly City, CA 94015
650 991-6465
Email: vcswest@dochs.org

The mission of the Vincentian Service Corps is to provide opportunities for women and men who want to serve the poor, live in community with other VSC members, and experience a simple lifestyle. While working directly with the poor, VSC members are called to deepen their faith, grow in charity, work for justice, celebrate life and develop close bonds. Service is geared to helping people help themselves. Types of placements vary from Adult literacy to AIDS/HIV ministry and outreach.

Many faith traditions have their own networks of volunteer opportunities.

For a comprehensive listing of the Catholic/Christian faith-based alternatives check the website at: 聽

If you would like to know more stop by the Office of Spiritual Life.