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How does the Academic Opportunity Experience help students succeed at 69堂精品?

The Academic Opportunity Experience (AOE) is designed to admit first-year students who demonstrate high potential for success yet are not admissible under general admission criteria. After admission, AOE provides academic support to these students throughout their careers at 69堂精品. The goal: completion of a college degree for those who may have believed it beyond their reach.

Support Services:

  • AOE Transition Experience-聽During the AOE First Year Launch, students participate in academic workshops, tutoring sessions, and related activities to support their adjustment to 69堂精品.
  • Tutoring-聽AOE students receive tutoring at no additional cost throughout their time at 69堂精品. Depending on need and availability, tutoring takes place individually or in groups through the Academic Success Center.
  • Academic Counseling- Students are assigned an Academic Counselor to assist them throughout their college career. The counselor arranges referrals to personal, career, and financial counseling as needed. Students who self-identify with a documented disability must register with the Office of Services for Students with Disabilities for each semester to receive accommodations in their courses.
  • Programs and Workshops-聽AOE students can attend educational workshops and social programs on a variety of topics.